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Programmes for Young People 

Select from Youth Coaching, Weekly Leadership, Employment or Enterprise Workshops. Our sessions can make a life-changing and everlasting effect on a young person's life. Young people are empowered to make wise choices concerning their friends, money and future.

Our young adults programme targets inner city young people, who want the tools, tips and support to reach their employment or business goals, improve their wellbeing and financial resilience.


Raharni - Youth Market

(Age 14, Afterschool Enterprise Programme)

I learnt how to present myself better, showing positive body language like smiling, listening to instructions and working within a team.


I would tell young people to give this a go to attend, so you can learn to interact with different people which is a great life skill.

Leadership and Enterprise

Workshops and Programmes 

You can have a one off workshop or a series of sessions. Our programmes are interactive, inclusive sessions that inspire and engage young people, disengaged students and creatives. 


- Young people are introduced to Leadership and Enterprise in the community.

- Our programmes are made to coincide within the national curriculum.  They focus on; Social Action, Social Entrepreneurship and Life Skills.

- We have over 10 business workshops to choose from supporting entrepreneurs from ideation to start-up phase.

Please get in touch to receive a brochure to learn more 

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